This event last for two days from 13rd to 14th November.
There are over 80 booths there, including food and drinks, artistic handcrafts and accessories.
Live show and street performance are on stage from minute to minute. excellence!!
It definitely is a parent-child activity as there is a kid's zone (hosted by toysrus) interactive games allowed parent to play with their children.
The Carnival collaborate and support to AIDS Concern. Visitors are welcomed to give a helping hand to this charity organization's fundraising activities to support its good community. Condom is the prizes of the game. Condom-made mosaic showcased in the carnival too, which height 3m~
Sichuan acrobats, Brazilian dancers, Africa drummers..............a series of attractive show perform just in front of you. They worn in exotic costumes and paraded on the street through out the day.
The entire setting and design gave visitors joyful and happiness.
Have great Fun there!!
Wong Man SHan